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August 11 2011 4 11 /08 /August /2011 07:58

There is a difference between alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence (also known as alcoholism.) In either case, alcohol is a drug and there are negative consequences to both. Abusing alcohol puts a person at high risk for alcoholism.

Who is an alcoholic?

What, how much and when one drinks does not determine whether or not one is an alcoholic. Usually, it’s the effects of the drinking that define whether or not there is a drinking problem.

Some effects are not noticeable right away though, and the alcoholic could be a very successful individual at the moment. This contributes to the alcoholic's denial of the problem. Negative effects of alcohol abuse on the family, the alcoholic’s emotional life and his physical body do catch up over time.

Wondering whether or not you have a problem with alcohol use is a possible sign of alcoholism or abuse. This could be a bit of wisdom that should be honoured. If you think you have a problem, see your doctor.

Alcohol abuse versus alcoholism

Alcohol abusers have some ability to limit their drinking while alcoholics do not. Alcohol abusers do not perform as well as they could at work, school, and in relationship commitments because they are drinking or recovering from drinking.

Self-medicating is a sign of alcohol abuse. Drinking alcohol to calm down, gain confidence or manage stress levels is considered self-medicating as it is being used to treat feelings of depression or anxiety.

Using alcohol in situations where it could be dangerous, like driving, can be signs of abuse.

Signs of an alcoholism

The major difference between alcoholism and alcohol abuse is that a person who becomes physically dependent on alcohol is an alcoholic. Physical dependence means feeling physically driven to drink, requiring alcohol to function or feel normal and the existence of withdrawal symptoms when alcohol is stopped.

Withdrawal symptoms may include: Anxiety, shakiness, nausea, vomiting, insomnia, depression, irritability, fatigue, headache. The alcoholic will often drink more to combat these symptoms.

Serious signs of withdrawal include: Hallucinations, confusion, seizures, fever and agitation. A doctor should be consulted if these symptoms occur.

An increasing tolerance to the effects of the drug is another sign of alcoholism. In other words, the alcoholic has to drink more in order the achieve the "buzz" he used to feel with just a few drinks.

Other signs of alcoholism include not being able to control drinking, revolving one's life around it, continuing to drink in spite of problems, financial problems due to drinking, drinking in secret, being panicky when alcohol is not available, keeping stashes of alcohol in different places, getting annoyed when people comment on one's drinking and being in denial about the extent of the problem.

Paddy taught me how to abuse alcohol a long time ago. I'm just getting
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August 11 2011 4 11 /08 /August /2011 07:54

Drug abuse differs from casual or occasional drug use, though casual use can lead to abuse. Crossing the line from one to the other is something that happens over time, with the accumulation of more and more negative incidents and growing dependence on drugs. The inexact nature of this process can make it easier for a drug abuser to deny that there is a problem.

Self-medicating and drug abuse

If you wonder whether your own drug use is a problem, or if friends and family have concerns about it, this could be a sign of drug abuse. Using drugs to self-medicate can often signal abuse. Self-medicating can be thought of in several ways:

  • The only time you feel good is when you are high, so you use drugs to feel good
  • You use drugs to avoid negative feelings
  • You use drugs to avoid and escape from problems
  • You use drugs in order to function better in certain situations, like social situations
  • You use drugs routinely, several times each week or everyday
  • You cannot have fun unless you are using drugs
  • Your life feels empty and drugs fill the void.

Drug abuse can lead to addiction

If you become addicted to drugs, taking the drugs becomes as important, or more important than eating and sleeping and other survival behaviours.

Developing physical symptoms in response to not taking the drug is one of the signs of addiction. Controlling one's behavior becomes difficult.

A sign of addiction is denial about the quantity of drugs used, the need for them, and the fact that drugs have become more important than everything else.

Warning signs for parents

Did your child suddenly become secretive and adamant about protecting his personal space? Does he have angry outbursts, and makes you feel like you have become unreasonable about privacy, when really it is the child who is becoming excessively secretive? This could be a warning sign of drug use.

Another sign is when children suddenly adopt a new group of friends and begin asking for more money, or if money has started to be missing from the house.

Other signs include: sudden changes in behaviour, mood swings, lack of personal hygiene, lack of interest in activities, withdrawal from family members, cutting school, and a sudden drop in grades.

Physical signs of drug use in teens

If children begin using eye drops and breath mints, room sprays and incense, they may be trying to cover up red eyes caused by smoking marijuana, and the smell of drugs and alcohol on their breath or in their rooms. Compulsive eating or intense mood swings, excessive talking jags and elation followed by negative moods and disturbed sleeping patterns can all be signs of substance use.

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August 11 2011 4 11 /08 /August /2011 07:44

The majority of people infected with chlamydia have no symptoms, though a few people do experience them. This common sexually transmitted disease can cause severe damage to the reproductive organs, resulting in infertility. The infection can be detected by routine screening, which is free and confidential. In this article, find out about the symptoms of chlamydia.

Women with chlamydia

According to the NHS, chlamydia is the most commonly diagnosed sexually transmitted infection in the UK. It is most common in people of twenty-five years of age and under.

How do you get chlamydia?

It is caused by a bacterium that is transmitted through oral sex, and anal and vaginal intercourse.

If symptoms occur, they are usually present within one to three weeks of exposure. Some others only experience symptoms months later if the infection spreads, and most people don’t experience any symptoms. Symptoms of chlamydia in women may include:

  • abnormal vaginal discharge

  • burning sensation during urination

  • lower abdominal pain

  • lower back pain

  • nausea

  • fever

  • pain during intercourse

  • bleeding between menstrual periods

  • bleeding after sex

  • heavier than normal periods

Men and chlamydia

Men who experience symptoms of this STI after contracting it may notice:

  • white, cloudy or watery discharge from the penis

  • a burning sensation or pain when urinating

  • burning and itching around the opening of the penis

  • pain or swelling in the testicles

Chlamydia can spread to the rectum, eyes or throat. Rectal symptoms, if they appear, can include pain, discharge or bleeding. Eyes can become painful, swollen, and irritated and may develop discharge. Throat infection usually doesn’t produce symptoms.

The importance of screening for chlamydia

Reiter’s syndrome

Untreated infection in women can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease, chronic pelvic pain, infertility and ectopic pregnancy. It can increase the chances of succumbing to an exposure of HIV. It can also cause Reiter’s syndrome - arthritis that is sometimes accompanied by skin lesions and inflammation of the eye and urethra.

Screening tests are routinely offered by the NHS National Chlamydia Screening Programme to anyone under 25 in the UK. The test is easy and painless, and infection can be treated with antibiotics. The test results are confidential, and the test can be self-administered. Contact your GP, pharmacy, sexual health clinic or the NHS. You can also visit the NSCP website.

People over twenty-five years of age who change sex partners can also get the disease, and can seek screening.

portrait of a beautiful young couple kissing and hugging
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August 1 2011 1 01 /08 /August /2011 08:54

There are two types of treatment commonly used with panic disorder with agoraphobia. One is medication and the other is cognitive-behavioural therapy. Some people use these treatments in combination, but some studies show that cognitive-behavioural therapy alone may have longer-lasting effects.

What is agoraphobia?

Panic disorder is an anxiety disorder characterised by random panic attacks and a fear of having panic attacks. Agoraphobia is a complication of panic disorder, that is more likely to occur if panic disorder continues untreated. So, seeking treatment early is important.

A frequently used, incorrect agoraphobia definition is fear of open spaces. However, a more accurate way to define agoraphobia is a fear and avoidance of places or situations where a person believes he might have a panic attack, where help would not be available, or where it'd be difficult to escape and embarrassment would occur.

Agoraphobia symptoms include fear and avoidance of things like crowds, bridges, tunnels, public transportation, elevators, supermarkets, being home alone etc.

Medications to treat panic disorder with agoraphobia

Panic disorder with agoraphobia respond well to antidepressant medications. Patients often resist because they feel that the only reason they are depressed is because they are having panic attacks, so they do not understand why they need antidepressants. However, antidepressants are effective in treating panic disorder regardless of whether or not there is an underlying depression.

Usually, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (ssri's) like Paxil or serotonin-norepinephrine re-uptake inhibitors (snri's) like Pristiq are prescribed. Sometimes benzodiazepines like Xanax and Klonipin are prescribed along with the antidepressant.

The limitation of medication is that it does not help the patient gain insight into the causes of the disorder and the factors that make it worse.

Cognitive-behavioural therapy can help cure panic attacks

Cognitive-behavioural therapy with an expert in panic treatment is known to reduce panic symptoms as effectively, and sometimes more effectively than medication. Many people can be cured of panic, and most learn how to eliminate or reduce attacks.

The therapy is short-term, usually around 16 weeks long. Group therapy can be especially effective. The treatment focuses on information about panic attacks, what causes them, what you do that makes it worse, and what you can do to cure panic attacks. Coping better with panic attacks helps with the agoraphobia phase of treatment, where people learn to stop avoiding places and situations they once feared. A process called systematic desensitisation is used.

Some treatment programmes can be found online. Edmund Bourne wrote The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook, which outlines a course of treatment. It's best to have access to an expert who can properly diagnose you, point out your mistakes and keep you on track.

This article is for information only and is not a substitute for in-person medical or psychological care.

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July 14 2011 4 14 /07 /July /2011 08:37

According to Susan Wise Bauer, a well-trained mind is one that is motivated “to read, to think, to understand, to be well-rounded and curious about learning.” The Well Trained Mind understands and makes connections between science, history, math and language, and sees mastery of subjects as an achievable goal. Bauer's home school curriculum helps parents and children achieve this.

About Susan Wise Bauer

Bauer is a central figure in the modern classical education and home education movements. She was home-schooled by her mother, and in turn, home schooled her own children. She holds a PhD in American Studies, and two Master's Degrees.

Susan authored numerous books, including the well-known home school resource: The Well Trained Mind: A Guide to Classical Education at Home co-authored with her mother, Jessie Bauer and published by WW Norton. The curriculum covers preschool through grade twelve for at home schooling. The high school curriculum builds on the foundation set in the first eight years, though the process can be started at any time, or it can be used to supplement a child's in-school education.

The Well Trained Mind forum

The Well Trained Mind forum can be found on the related website, Welltrainedmind.com. This home schooling online forum is a discussion among parents using the curriculum, and includes help for parents of children with special needs as well as parents of accelerated learners. Parents using a bilingual education approach will find support here, as will parents using the home schooling high school curriculum.

What is a classical education?

A classical education, as described by Bauer's website, involves a trivium approach. That is, in grades one through four, known as “the grammar stage” children enjoy absorbing information through memorisation. The curriculum uses this natural skill to feed the mind with facts and rules.

By fifth grade, children begin asking “why”. This is known as “the logic stage” of learning. Students are taught the reasons behind the facts and rules: the scientific method, why the rules of grammar exist, finding the causes of historical events.

In the third stage, “the rhetoric stage”, with a solid understanding of the facts and the reasons behind them, the child learns to express his or her opinion and conclusions. In the classical education model, there is a heavy focus on language – the written and spoken word. Videos and images are not used, as they do not require the brain to truly work. Students study from the classics and books written about the subjects of interest. Relationships are made between subjects, they are not studied in isolation.

The approach is systematic and rigorous, and encourages mastery of subjects. The end result should be a well-trained mind.

Studying Star Wars | Source http://www. flickr. com/photos/49503073847
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July 13 2011 3 13 /07 /July /2011 09:34

It is easy to find images, video and tutorials about American Sign Language (ASL) online. Here are some free resources, which are simple to find and use if you want to learn American Sign Language.

Learning ASL online

Fingerspelling learning tool

Lifeprint.com is a website used by ASL students and teachers.

Their fingerspelling learning tool shows very clearly how to sign a letter.

ASL fingerspelling couldn’t be easier to learn, especially with the use of the fingerspelling learning tool.

Put your mouse over a letter and a photo of a real human hand makes the letter. In addition, thirty free sign language lessons are available on this website.

Fingerspelling practice tool

This site also has an interactive fingerspelling practice tool to help you learn the alphabet in sign language through spelling practice. There is a video of a hand spelling out a word for you to interpret. You type in the word, and the site will tell you if you are correct.

ASL video and lessons online


Michigan State University has The American Sign Language browser at Aslbrowser.commtechlab.msu.edu. The site is a dictionary of words. Click on a word and a video pops up and a person shows you how to sign the word.


Signingsavvy.com is a similar site,which is newer and has a larger dictionary.

You can use the dictionary for free, and type in whatever word you wish to look up.

ASL printables


Free printable alphabet flash cards can be found at Enchantedlearning.com (language ASL flashcards). You can also get flashcards of the ASL numbers here. Cards come with and without the written letter.


Activityvillage.co.uk (American sign language flashcards) has free American sign language alphabet flashcards that look more cartoonish and child-friendly. These can also be used as colouring sheets.


Babysignlanguage.com (chart) has a free printable sign language chart that can be used to teach babies and toddlers to sign. Friendly drawings of a mother figure show the signs of interest to baby: milk, book, cat, dog, apples, I love you and more.

This website is a great free resource for new parents. There are baby sign language flash cards, which include pictures of the object and a drawing of the same friendly woman making the sign for the object. These cards are all printable and free.

While there are many resources that you could pay for, excellent and free ASL sign language resources are plentiful online for anyone interested in how to learn sign language.

O.K. in both American Sign Language and lettersILY I love you initialed in sign language and red heartNatural American Sign LanguageTalk To The DeafManual Alphabet
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July 13 2011 3 13 /07 /July /2011 09:04

If you are caring for a sick or elderly family members and feeling burned out, overwhelmed and stressed, you may need the help of a home health aid. This suggestion makes many people recoil, because it seems like yet another difficult job to do. Here’s how to overcome resistance and get the help you need.

Finding help through a home care agency

Family caregivers

Family caregivers often would love to have help but they do not know exactly what type of home care assistance they need. This prevents them from moving forward with enlisting private home care.

However, you do not need to understand exactly what you need before taking action. One of the advantages of using home health care agencies to hire a home health aid, is that they will send over a nurse or other expert in home care services to assess your situation. She will ask you a number of questions, meet the care recipient, and be able to advise you on the amount and type of care she thinks will be helpful to you.

Usually, this visit is free and does not require that you enlist the home care service. This can get you over the wall of ambivalence and enable you to get the help you need.

There are many other advantages of using home health service agencies. They rigorously screen their employees. They provide people to fill in when the aid is unable to come to work. If there is a problem with the worker they will help you resolve it, or provide a new home care provider.

Home care agency

Make sure that the home care agency you deal with is licensed and insured. You should feel free to ask a lot of questions, and the agency should give you full answers and printed information. The agency will charge you fees, and these fees should be spelled out.

Types of home care

The different types of home care

There are several levels of care, including non-medical care, personal care, and medical care. Non-medical care involves things like driving to appointments, errands, companionship and light household chores.

Personal care involves things like showering, toileting, dressing and moving the patient.

On the other hand, medical care involves things like injections, wound care and physical therapy.

Hiring home health aids privately

The other way to hire a home care aid is by placing a help wanted ad. Ask around in medical and caregiving circles for a referral. Excellent private home health aids usually develop a good reputation and are in demand.

However, if you are not quite skilled at hiring and firing, screening people and giving clear directions with regard to your expectations, an agency might be a better choice for you.

MEDRETE in the Bac Ninh Province of Vietnam.
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July 4 2011 1 04 /07 /July /2011 12:47

In its simplest terms, mental health refers to the condition of one’s mind, or the absence or presence of mental illness, just as physical health refers to the condition of the body and the absence or presence of disease.

The body/mind connection

Mental health was once considered separate and distinct from physical health. However, recently experts are seeing how intricately the body and mind are connected.

For example, depression is now being identified as a heart attack risk factor. Moreover, depression can make a person more likely to get sick.

Furthermore, many mental illnesses are known to have a contributing cause in biological or chemical dysfunction. Mental illness can affect feelings, thoughts and behaviour in addition to health.

Staying mentally healthy

Feelings give us a clue to our emotional health first. The purpose of feelings is to help us make good decisions. The problem is that feelings are not always easy to interpret, and sometimes people act on them in unhealthy ways.

Maintaining mental well-being involves identifying the feelings that you have and understanding why you have them. It involves communicating about them and making healthy decisions which are informed by them.

What is a mentally healthy person?

The mentally healthy individual is able to feel and express all of the human emotions. They are flexible in their responses to life situations. They have a wide range of healthy relationships, and are not usually swamped by emotions. They live a balanced life which integrates opposites. For example work and fun, social support and alone time, rest and productivity, feeling and thinking.

A mentally healthy person understands reality versus fantasy. They develop healthy relationship patterns, grow and utilise their talents, live a fairly well-rounded life, and experience joy.

What is mental illness?

Mental illnesses can be experienced when there is too much instability in a person’s mood or anxiety level. Problems with thinking and reality testing can indicate what are known as thought disorders. There are mental health issues related to eating (anorexia) and to being sick (hypochondria.)

People might experience issues with identity, (dissociative identity disorder, formerly known as multiple personality disorder) sexuality (pedophilia) and gender identity. Personality disorders occur when there are rigid, destructive patterns of behaviour.

Some people experience problems with impulse control (pyromania), sleeping (night terrors) or substance abuse. There are numerous mental disorders often diagnosed in childhood, like attention deficit disorder or mental retardation.

It is critical to take care of the body, through nutrition and exercise and appropriate medical care. It is equally important to care for one’s mental state and seek professional help when needed.


This article is for information purposes only and is not a substitute for personal medical or psychological care.

Young Hispanic woman in hospital gown over white.Teenager boy with bicycles in summer parkThe young girl goes in for sports in the open airman lifting barbell in fitness centerFamilyboy with father
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June 30 2011 4 30 /06 /June /2011 12:31

Stress is experienced both in your mind and in your body. To combat stress, one must be relaxed both the physical and psychological levels. Simple exercises can help any person begin to de-stress and enjoy life more.

When your mind's filled with worries, your muscles can become tensed. This often leads to aches, pains and headaches. Your breathing may become rapid and shallow, leading to light-headedness. The symptoms experienced as a result of worry can cause more worry, resulting in a cycle of stress.

It's always useful to attack stress at its root cause. Stress can be caused by outside circumstances, like illness, job loss or caring for children or elderly family members. Some circumstances cannot be changed. However, sometimes they can be dealt with in a better way. If solutions do not seem obvious, talk to a friend who might help you see options you hadn't thought of.

Another cause of stress is insecurity and low self-esteem, and habitual negative patterns of thinking. Enlisting the help of a therapist can often alleviate the stress load, even if the circumstances cannot be changed.

Problem solving is only one part of the relaxation equation. A regular relaxation practice for the body and the mind can prevent stress from building up in the body and help you cope in a better way. Progressive muscle relaxation is the practice of tensing and releasing each muscle group, from the head to the toe, until the whole body is relaxed.

Deep diaphragmatic breathing is a method of breathing in which you fully expand the lungs when you inhale. Lie on the floor and place your hands on your belly. Inhale through your nose to the count of four. Make sure your belly rises as you inhale. Exhale fully through your mouth to the count of eight.

Meditation can help you relax your mind. This is often done by repeating a word or phrase over and over. This helps empty your mind of all thoughts. It takes a good deal of practice. When your mind starts wandering, don’t stress! Simply observe it and bring your concentration back to your word or phrase.

Daily practice of these techniques allows your body to spend some time each day in a calmer state. 35 minutes of aerobic exercise five times per week will also add to the benefits. It will help you approach your life in a more relaxed way.

Gente practicando yogaYoga on the Beach of Riviera MayaYoga Pilates Conference&Show RonSombilonGallery (100)Bretagne, La villa côté cour, Dinan, Côtes-d'ArmorIMG_0070.JPGpeace.
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June 24 2011 5 24 /06 /June /2011 11:57

Many people feel anxious about what pregnancy and childbirth will be like. There are three things you can do to ease your mind and give your baby and yourself the best chances for a healthy and happy pregnancy and birth.This article shows you what you can expect if you are pregnant.

Set your mind at ease when you are expecting


When expecting a baby, pregnancy is calculated as a forty week time period, beginning on the first day of your last period. Most pregnancies last anywhere from 38 to 42 weeks using this calculation. When you receive the news that you are pregnant, you may experience a range of emotions. You might feel happy and sad and confident and anxious all in the same moment. This is normal.

Learning as much as you can about what to expect when pregnant and during childbirth, connecting with other pregnant women, and following up with prenatal care recommendations of your obstetrician or midwife, are three things that will help set your mind and emotions at ease.

Childbirth education classes


In order to connect with others and learn all that you can, enroll in a childbirth education class. Some classes are offered by hospitals. These classes usually cover topics related to pregnancy, childbirth, and handling an infant or parenting. Some classes focus on a particular method of childbirth, such as Lamaze or The Bradley Method.

Explore, research and sign up for a course that seems right for you and your partner. You will have to make decisions about what type of birth you want and whether or not you will breastfeed your baby.

These classes will be helpful. Information is available at Lamaze.org and Bradleybirth.com.

Pregnancy books and websites

Books and websites

Reading books will help. Heidi Murkoff wrote the book What to Expect When You’re Expecting.

She developed the idea for this book during her first pregnancy, because she couldn’t find the pregnancy information that she needed to put her mind at ease.

Her book has become an invaluable resource for those who are pregnant for the first-time.

She also founded the website WhattoExpect.com that offers help, information, and-according to her website-the most popular pregnancy application in the world, the WTE Pregnancy Tracker. The website includes a pregnancy week by week calendar, explaining foetus’ development, symptoms and tips.

Final word

It’s helpful to set up the nursery and have your home prepared and comfortable before the baby arrives.

You will have to decide whether to use cloth or disposable diapers, for example. Free baby product samples can be obtained at numerous websites including Freesamplesuk.org.

Pregnant Sissybaby born with silver spoon in her mouth
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